Sunday, June 21, 2015

Teenager takes selfies while having sex with her dogs

The kind of news I read on the internet ehnnnn, one would begin to doubt all these reports sef....
A 23-year-old woman has reportedly admitted taking selfies while she had sex with a dog in her grandma’s house.
Ashley Miller, told the police of how she was able to manipulate her dog into having sex with her.
The act which she said happened about 30 to 40 times within the past five years, started when she was a little over 18.
Officers have also indicated she admitted to making her previous dog, a pit bull-Rottweiler cross named Scarface, perform oral sex on her, and on at least two occasions, she took selfies.
The ‘puppy porn’ pictures were discovered in two hidden folders on Miller’s phone, one titled “2-face fun” and another titled “Me”, police said.
Miller, from Bradenton, Florida, has been charged with two counts of sexual activities involving animals after police discovered the vile images on her mobile phone.
culled from smoking gun..

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